

This blog’s main focus is on interesting things you can do in Python, C++ and other languages. You might find posts about other topics if I manage to twist someone’s arm hard enough.



My name is not actually Che, I’m currently 28 years old and live in Munich. I used to study games engineering at TUM and currently study computational linguistics at LMU, while also working as an embedded firmware engineer for a life sciences and lab automation company.

I’m mostly interested in C++ “compile time” shenanigans, Python tomfoolery, RPC and whatever else seems odd but also oddly interesting. Other than that I do play bass in a couple of bands, look like metal Jesus and am a trained church organ player.

Some of my recent projects include:

  • repr / repr.wtf: A C++ static reflection library that mimics Python’s repr().
  • magic_codec / Python’s Preprocessor: A modular Python preprocessing utility that uses a custom codec.
  • slo::variant / blog post TBD: Mostly compliant std::variant implementation that does some experimental optimizations, including rearranging the underlying storage as a tree to reduce maximum recursion depth for alternative retrieval
  • crashbench: Compile time benchmarking and diagnostic/death test utility. This uses a custom DSL to hide configuration in valid C++ attributes.
  • palgen / Docs: Command line tool built around a highly modular extension system. This is meant to simplify writing common utility scripts by reducing boilerplate a lot.
  • cpppp: C++ preprocessor that uses C++ as macro language.
  • palliate / palliate.io: Remote desktop application that allows in-memory streams from virtual machines with dedicated graphics cards. Currently on hold.
  • diagtest: Diagnostics/death testing utility. Abandoned and replaced by crashbench.

Aside from that I own the Better C++ Discord community. Feel free to join it :)